Denise Thomas : Wantage - Faringdon design image

Western Medical Acupuncture (or dry needling) is an adaptation of ancient Chinese acupuncture, although Medical and traditional Chinese Acupuncture are very different systems.

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is based on the belief that an energy (or life force known as Qi) which flows through the body has become blocked and can be relieved by the insertion of needles, whereas Medical Acupuncture is based on evidence based medicine where the insertion of needles at specific points of the body stimulates the body to produce its own natural chemicals.

With Medical Acupuncture the insertion of needles stimulates the body’s nervous system to produce its own natural pain-relieving endorphins and stress-relieving serotonin and can be effective in providing short-term relief from lower back pain, neck pain, tension type headaches and migraines, and also knee pain from osteoarthritis and temporomandibular joint pain.

Denise Thomas is trained in Acupuncture Techniques for Sports Therapists and if appropriate for the condition being treated can incorporate medical acupuncture into her Remedial Clinical Massage Therapy Sessions from her private clinic in Stanford in the Vale, between Wantage and Faringdon.

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Tel: 07710 170838


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